Pap Smear

美 [pæp smɪr]英 [pæp smɪə(r)]
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Pap SmearPap Smear
  1. Until a few years ago , the best defense was a pap smear to detect and treat precancerous cells .


  2. Analysis the effect of liquid-based cytology on normal people 's pap smear


  3. The practical use of PAP smear and HPV test in the diagnosis of cervical diseases


  4. Comparative study on the Pap smear and TBS reporting for cervical samples


  5. Comparison study of TCT and Pap smear cytology in the screening of cervical cancer


  6. Women over 21 can undergo a regular pap smear ,


  7. Visual inspection and traditional Pap smear that are convenient 、 shortcut and cheap screening technique are still efficient important methods .


  8. There 's so much mold growing in there that cherry pie 's gonna need a pap smear .


  9. that a pathologist would use for looking at a tissue specimen , like a biopsy or a pap smear .


  10. Conclusions We should integrate PAP smear , colposcopy and HPV test in diagnosis of cervical cancer to increase the positive rate .


  11. Results : False negative rate of pap smear and colposcopy was90.12 % aed zero respectively .


  12. To evaluate the value of TCT ( Thinprep Cytology Test ) and PAP smear in the screening of cervical cancer .


  13. He says most women diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United States have not had a Pap smear in the three to five years prior to diagnosis .


  14. Patients who suffered from cervical diseases use vaginal speculum , biopsy pathological diagnosis and Pap smear to exam , and then analyze the results .


  15. Hence the need to develop alternative strategies to the Pap smear the standard test for cervical cancer such as visual inspection and possibly vaccination in the future .


  16. This is a Pap smear .


  17. CLAUDIA HAMMOND : And how effective is it compared say with the traditional Pap smear as it 's known that that takes place in many places ?


  18. CLAUDIA HAMMOND : And are there any advantages that it has over the pap smear ?


  19. Dinh recommends annual Pap smear screenings within three years of the initiation of sexual activity or by age21 , whichever comes first .


  20. Results : In 124 cases of screening test , 23 cases are congealed unusually in the traditional pap smear ( Range from Grade II to Grade III );


  21. or a mammogram , or a pap smear ,


  22. HPV infections of the throat may lead to head and neck cancers , but for now there 's no equivalent of the pap smear for the throat .


  23. Methods : According to the regional economic status , the methods of screening tests are the traditional pap smear , colposcopy and fetching the histology pathology under the colposcope .


  24. Vaginal speculum is more significant in the diagnosis of cervix uteri diseases than Pap smear , especially in precancerous change of UCC and UCC .


  25. Here is a cervical Pap smear in which dysplastic cells are present that have much larger and darker nuclei than the normal squamous cells with small nuclei and large amounts of cytoplasm .


  26. High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion ( HGSIL ) accounted for majority of diagnosis according to pap smear ( 65 9 % ) and colposcopy ( 75 6 % ) respectively .


  27. Clearance of high-risk human papillomavirus ( HPV ) - DNA and PAP smear abnormalities in a cohort of women subjected to HPV screening in the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union ( the NIS cohort study )


  28. Methods : A total of 5296 patients in pregnancy and postpartum were examined by pap smear and diagnosed with the Bethesda System ( TBS ) 2001.Those cytological abnormal patients were followed up until the lesions regressed to normal .


  29. Results : 70 cases were positive in PAP smear , whose sensitivity was 52 . 2 % , whereas 108 cases were positive in colposcopy , whose sensitivity was 80 . 6 % , the difference of sensitivity was significant ( P < 0 . 01 ) .


  30. Pap smear : While yearly pap smears were the norm , according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , most women from age 21 to 65 can wait three to five years between pap tests as long as the results are normal .
